Thursday, January 3, 2013


I guess I need to update and write on this thing more often!!  Our passports with our Visas arrived today via UPS!!  I was so excited!!  I spoke to two of my friends, Nicole and Mollie who are both not far behind us in the adoption process and was just stating I hope everything arrives soon!!  We ran some errands, came back, and I checked the MAILBOX!!  (Up until a few days ago- this is something I did not do!!  Mail would sit for a couple of days!!) We have received our I-800-- her paperwork that states she is OURS and she can travel back with US!! I of course came in and did what I was suppose to for our agency..  I spoke to them on the phone and they said we can except to travel 6 weeks or less from NOW!!!!!   We are so excited.  I have butterflies in my tummy!!!  God is good!!

Every good and perfect gift comes from above!  James 1:1

1 comment:

  1. We'll be praying for your safe travel to China. So happy for all of you.
