Friday, March 15, 2013

Great Doctors report!!

Yesterday was a great day!  Tiffany and Reid came and picked us up for the day!  We had a great time.  We were able to get all of our laundry washed too!  Tiffany treated us to a fabulous American style lunch, a great salad and homemade ham macaroni and cheese!  It was the best lunch we have had so far in China.  Rheagan had fun playing with her little boy, Reid and hanging out in Jewell's room, Tiffany's daughter who was at school!!  She watched several movies too!!  When Shawn, I and Riley left for the doctor she wanted to stay there so she was able to watch more English speaking movies and TV shows! 

The pediatrician appointment went good.  It gave me the piece of mind I NEEDED!  The doctor we saw was from Georgia.  She practices in the International Division.  Riley checked out great!  As I was filling out new patient paperwork, I realized at that point that we will never know about Riley's past and family history.  My heart broke!!  :( We know NOTHING about her past except for she has had three surgeries!! Dr.  Beaudreau gave Riley oral antibiotics, more topical cream and a probiotic.  The large bumps on the back of her head are most likely abscessed.  From what, we don't know! At this time, she did not want to drain them but did let us know that once we are back in the states, if it is not gone, they would need to be drained.  Since, we only have had there for 3 days, she did not want to put Riley through that so quickly!  We were thankful! She also gave us information in Guangzhou just in case we are to need it.  Lets hope NOT!  Thanks for all the prayers.  The unknown is SO scary!  I am glad it was something small but it doesn't look like anything small! 

When we returned, Rheagan was so excited because Jewell was going to be home from school soon.  She had so much fun hanging out with another girl and having some girl time!  She is really missing her friends back home!!  We went shopping and even ate at a Mexican Restaurant.  Rheagan just couldn't believe they have a Mexican restaurants in CHINA!!  lol!!  :)  It was really, really good!!  We decided familiar things are so nice and too many times we take them for granted!!   It was a great day!

Riley has laughed more, smiled more and cried for US more!!  It is a great feeling.  She has a great personality but she is hard headed and at times a true pistol!!  We are still having issues with sleeping/napping and her huge fits after a meal! God is watching me practice patience!!  I just know she will fit in great!! We are missing the boys tremendously.  We are starting to count down the days until we get to see them and I know they are counting down the days too!! 

We received Riley's passport!! She can leave China now!!  One step closer to becoming a US Citizen!!  We will get her visa to enter into the states in Guangzhou!!  We are getting closer to finalizing this whole process!! 

Today was our travel day!!  This morning as we were packing up, Rheagan asked me, "Mommy, Where's your ipad?"  I looked at her and said,  "I don't know!  I haven't had it since the plane ride from Beijing to Shanghai."  After searching and searching...NO LUCK!  The last time I know I had it was on the plane as I was making a list of questions  to ask her Nanny when we receive Riley.  My stomach sank!!  I left my ipad on the plane!!  :(  It was gone!!  We decided that it wouldn't hurt just to ask when we got to the airport to depart to Guangzhou.  Zita, our fabulous guide, had to make several phone calls and go several different places in the airport just to inquired about it.  While she was on the phone with them, we had to quickly provide a lot of information: our flight number, seat number, description, etc.  I was scrambling trying to get our itinerary out, find out ticket stubs, etc.  She got a big smile on her face and I KNEW that was a good sign!!  THEY HAD IT!!  It was truly shocking. I was amazed!!    After 5 days...they still had it!! 

We left the beautiful city of Shanghai and flew to Guangzhou!!  It was a bittersweet kind of day.  Riley has lived her whole life in Shanghai.  We are taking her to her new home!  It is sad to say goodbye to her home town.  I hope we will be able to bring her back to let her see the beautiful place where she was born and raised for the first 19 months of her life!!  The plane ride was great until the landing!  Riley's little ears bothered her and she cried most of the descend!   I was trying everything to soothe her. :(  We have 2 plane rides left until we ate home!  Benadryl may be used for the long flight!   Her FIRST plane ride was overall a success!!  She ate her ENTIRE 6 inch Subway sandwich, chips, a cookie, crackers, had some puffs and even took a bottle!!  This girl has a great appetite!! 

All three places we have traveled in China have been different and unique. I have enjoyed them all!!  Guangzhou is much warmer than the others.  When we arrived today it was 75 degrees!!  Guangzhou is know as the City of Flowers!!   They have beautiful flowers everywhere!  WE are so excited because they have several parks we can not wait to go too.  The girls have matching dresses so I hope to take some beautiful pictures here! 

Shawn is so excited because he finally gets ESPN!  He ha been trying to keep up with his Jayhawks through the internet but now he can watch some basketball not soccer on TV!  Our hotel is beautiful.  We are staying in the China Hotel which is a Marriott!  Rheagan is able to access the internet from her ipad and her plan is to get on Netflix soon!  We are going to head out for dinner and tomorrow we have Riley's medical checkup at 9 am!  Goodnight from Guangzhou!! 

1 comment:

  1. Glad things are continuing on smoothly. Continuing to pray that her bumps go away on their own.
