Sunday, March 17, 2013

Medical Check- Posting a day late-- Bad internet connection!

Riley passed her medical exam however she did NOT like it!  Just one of the steps  we have to go through in order to finalize everything.  We had to see two different doctors.  One was an overall general evaluation and the other was an ENT.  We also had to have Riley weigh and measured!! She wanted her mama to save her  from these masked people!   


Riley is doing so well.  She is adjusting to us and we are adjusting to her!!  We are starting to figure out her signs and cues and we believe she is understanding us!!  Everyday she is laughing and smiling more and more.  I know I say this everyday but it is so true.  Her smiles and laughs out numbered her tears and frown by far!  She is a goer. She wants to be down and running however she doesn’t know what to do with her legs and feet so she leans and we hold onto her most of the time!  We are walking around everyday and she is definitely improving.  On day 1, she could hardly bare weight.  We would try to stand her up and she would just sink down.  Now, her legs are working and she is wanting to be independent. 


Riley is really bonding with us but she is finding mama to be her comfort, her rock, and go to person.  She wants to be able to see me at all times.  She is wanting me to walk her around all the time and that is a workout in itself.  For lunch, Riley had her FIRST McDonalds meal!!  She ate up the FRIES and DOUBLE CHEESEBURGER!! 


Tonight we ate at a Mexican restaurant.  It was just as good as the last one.  We enjoyed talking to the owner about how he got his start in China two years ago.  His restaurant has taken off over here in China. 


We are looking forward to the next couple of days.  They are packed with tours and activities but we are excited.   I would rather be busy than bored!! 

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