Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Oath Ceremony, Park and River Cruise

We have taken our final Oath here in China at the US Consulate in Guangzhou.  As soon as Riley crosses over the border and we present her papers to Immigration in Chicago she will be a US Citizen!!  Tomorrow we pick her the brown envelope that is sealed and must remain sealed until we present it to the Immigration!  We have ONLY one full day left in China.  We head to Hong Kong tomorrow night where we will stay and Thursday morning-- we are off to Chicago!!  We enjoyed the afternoon at the Park and the evening on the River Cruise.  They were all fun but I AM READY TO BE HOME!!  :)  We have enjoyed our time here and will always remember the friends we have met!  They will all hold a special place in my heart!! 

Riley is doing GREAT!!  She is smiling, laughing, attempting to walk/run.  She is crawling all over the room.  We are so proud of her!!  Her abscess (bump) on her head finally broke open this morning.  I will have to say-- it was pretty gross but has gone down tremendously in size!!  I am still doctoring it trying to avoid any infections. 

I will let the pictures tell the story today!!         







  1. She is so adorable, such a fun age! Rheagan seems to be doing great as bis sister! Enjoy your last few days.:)


  2. I am so, so happy for all of you! Maybe one day, we will follow in your footsteps! Must pray!

  3. So glad things are going well. She looks so happy! (And so do you all.) Can't wait to see you at the airport. Can't wait!!!

  4. Looks like she is bonding very well. Awesome! Praying for safe travels home for you all!
