Sunday, March 10, 2013

Shanghai...What a neat place

This morning we flew from Beijing to the providence, Shanghai, where our little girl will sleep in the orphanage for her very last night. We can't believe it is finally here...tomorrow at 1:30 we will get to see, meet, hold and love on her!!!  Shangahi is MUCH different than Beijing and I am loving it!!  Bright lights everywhere, familiar stores, very friendly people, a beautiful hotel...we couldn't ask for more!   We walked the street when we were settled into our hotel room.  We decided on Pizza Hut for dinner.  However Pizza Hut here is HIGH CLASS compared to ours back home!!  They have a spiral staircase, played classical music and served much more than pizza.  Steak is even on the menu over here!! :) It was really, really good!! We can't wait to get out and explore Shanghai some more!!  We ended the night with a quick meeting with our guide, Zita, to finalize plans for meeting Riley tomorrow and a quick dip in the pool.  This pool was much warmer!  I even got in!!  Rheagan was shocked.  Swim caps are required and I really wanted to take a picture of all of us in our caps but Shawn and Rheagan said....NO!!  You will have to use your imagination to know what we looked like swimming!! Looking forward to tomorrow!!  Butterflies are setting in!     
The view from our Hotel Room:


Inside the Hotel Lobby:

The street right outside of our Hotel.  Our hotel is in a great location!  There are tons to see and places to go.  Rheagan has bugged and bugged us to ride this trolley below.  We have told her that before we leave we will ride it! 
AND..........Guess who tomorrow night will be sleeping in this bed in our hotel room..... 
Riley Jiner Handy
What we know as of now about tomorrow...  We are meeting our guide, Zita, at 12:30 to head to meet Riley.  We are suppose to be meeting her at 1:30.  Our driver is taking us to the supermarket afterwards to purchase any needed supplies for Riley.  We are getting so excited!!  We hope to ask the Nanny tomorrow for a tour of the orphanage!!  The next post Shawn and I will be parents again!!  Our fourth beautiful child will enter into the life of the Handy's!!  God is GREAT!!    


  1. So excited for you! Looking forward to pictures!

  2. Big hugs & prayers to you all! Can't wait to see pictures of sweet Riley!

  3. So so so excited for you guys! Continued Prayers and Hugs!
